
Hell Ride (Letra: Etiana Malabarba. Arranjo: The Wendy)*

Slow Globe (Letra: Etiana Malabarba. Arranjo: The Wendy)*

(*) Arranjos musicais criados pela segunda formação da banda 
(2009-Fev/2011), que era: Etiana MalabarbaPaulo Zviezynski,
Rodrigo Borba, José Saraiva 
e Fabiano Torquato.

Gonna Make Me a Star (Letra & Arranjo: Fabiano Torquato. Escaleta: Etiana Malabarba)

Every night comtemplating the sky
Every night waiting for what's mine
You don't know, i'm fine
Sorry darling, at my goodbye

Game over, finally i died!You gonna make me a star

(Refrão)Serious lover, lover, lover (happiness, happiness)
Troubleshooting, honey, honey (madness, madness)

Finally i died!You gonna make me a star

Darkness (
Letra & Arranjo: Igor Thomaz)

I am in a society of darkness
looking for a light of sanity,
falls into a complex paradigm
Where the system will take us?

I am in a society of darkness
Where the system will take us?
I am in a society of darkness
Who would you to believe?

I am in a society of darkness
and the only light is the media
for  turning lies into truth
Who would you to  believe?

All buy and consume every day
to create a wonderful economy
talking of a new world order
But where the new order will take us?